15 July 2012

Down Time

I've heard from a few well-established authors that there are book signings that don't go well.  I have to admit, I've had a couple now.

Chalk up the experience, I guess.

What I enjoyed most about those hours of sitting, looking at other people's books on the shelves behind me, watching the ladies re-fold modbe shirts, was handwriting some bits of a story that have been floating around in my brain for a couple of weeks.

I may have mentioned that I sent in a manuscript and had it rejected and that I was pretty sad about that.  Well, I've since decided that the editor was correct in her assessment, even though it hurt to hear it.  Since deciding that, I have been trying to figure out how to make that manuscript work. I love the setting.  I love the characters.  I think it's terribly funny.  But how to give it heart?

That's quite a problem.

So, I've been mulling it over, and I think I've come up with a solution.  Thanks to my time alone, and in quiet, at those book signings, I am happy to report I've made a start.  A few handwritten pages, a few conversations, and hopefully a little heart.

And honestly, making a start is the biggest step.  Sometimes also the hardest.

May all my book signings be slow ones.

Unless you want to come.

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