10 September 2012


I have a problem.


How does a person come up with a really great title? One that tells the reader exactly what they need to know about the story in a creative way?  So they’ll be interested in the novels that interest them?  All in a couple of words?

As you can see I have more questions than answers.

For each of the novels I’ve written I’ve had issues with the titles.  I come up with a working one at the beginning, before I’ve even gotten into the meat of the story, and usually stick with the working one up until the end.  By that time, I’ve gotten attached to that title, and have trouble thinking of the manuscript under other names.

For example:  “Uneasy Fortunes”  began its life as “Stuttering” and when people ask me the title of my book, I have to mentally dodge “Stuttering” before grasping “Uneasy Fortunes”.  (And if I’m being honest, I still like “Stuttering” better.)

I bring up the issue of titles because I’m trying to come up with a really good title for the story I’m working on.  This has been difficult, to say the least.  I have switched working titles three times already, unheard of for me.  I have jotted little lists of potential titles on anything that comes to hand when I get notional.  I just read a list of my favorites to my husband and he seemed unimpressed.  Frankly, so am I.  I just haven’t found one that zings.  

So, I think it’s back to the drawing board.  Again.

One of these days I may be inspired with something I’m crazy about.

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