First week of school this week. My daughter and my youngest son are in school full time. My middle son chose to do online public school from home. When he chose that, I was thinking, "Oh, that'll be easy! The school provides all the materials and curriculum. There's a teacher available if the student doesn't understand something. This will be easy."
Famous last words.
Yesterday was the first day back to school. I dropped my oldest and youngest off at their respective schools and came home, only to realize my son and I didn't know how to run this whole online school thing. It also didn't help that neither of us got much sleep. There may have been tears and threats involved, which probably isn't part of the curriculum. By the time I picked up my oldest and youngest from school, I'd had a full day and had already thrown in the towel. When my husband got home, I fed everyone the easiest dinner I could think of and plopped on my bed. That's when my husband came in and said, "No, no, no! If you sleep now I won't get to talk to you at all today."
I lifted my weary head off the mattress and relegated my headache to the background again, because I'm that kind of wife. (Awesome. I'm an awesome wife. In case you missed it.)
School went much better today, but I'm still wondering how traumatic it would be if I chucked my son at the nearest school marquee tomorrow morning and drove off.
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